Month of Me: My Birthday

20 reasons why my birthday was so wonderful + 10 of my favorite things + 6 things I’d like to do this year = 36 things about me.

36. Daddy came home Friday from Dallas, to relieve me from a long hard week alone with sick kids.
35. I felt much better Saturday morning, after having fevers, chills and aches on Friday night.
34. Perfect weather all weekend–sunny, clear, warm.
33. Wore a new shirt that I made and love. It’s the famous Built by Wendy pattern #3835. I opted for the longer sleeves with the ties.

32. Went downtown on Saturday to explore.
31. Used my wonderful new camera that I got a week ago from my hubby and took lots of pictures (more on that later).
30. Ate lots of kettle corn and roasted corn on the cob at Dillinger Days festivities.
29. Ate out for lunch with the kids!!!(a rarity) at a pretty outdoor restaurant.
28. I-guy had the whole staff at the restaurant singing witch doctor.
27. Bought some excellent hand ointment for my mommy/nurse working hands.
26. Made chocolate cake with the guys and ate a whole lot of it for dinner.
25. Woke up on Sunday morning to Rock lobster and handmade gifts by super E.
24. Went on a beautiful hike.
23. Saw an enormous Saguaro cactus.
22. Ate chocolate cake for lunch (yum!)
21. Our friend Tim baby sat for us.
20. Went on a date with my hubby, the first in a loooooonnnngggg time (another rarity).
19. We went to see Juno. I highly recommend. Excellent soundtrack too!
18. Went out to dinner and had a delicious vegan dinner.
17. Had uninterrupted conversation with my husband for over an hour!

16. tea: Ambrosia White Plum
15. food: vegan pesto
14. song 1: I feel it all
13. song 2: True Affection
12. color1: Turquoise
11. color2: Orange
10. feel: Soft baby feet
9. sound: The kids laughing
8. scents: Baked bread and cinnamon
7. chocolate: Dagoba Xocolatl

Things I must do this year
6. Finish fixing up our money pit of a house!
5. Grow our garden– start in April
4. Start a compost by spring.
3. Take the Lactation Certification Exam in July.
2. Exercise daily.
1. Meditate daily.

Well, oddly enough, I am totally sick again. Apparently my body decided to give me a break for my birthday weekend but we were back on schedule with the fevers, chills, coughing, and aches by Monday morning. I am determined to feel much better by tomorrow!

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10 Responses to Month of Me: My Birthday

  1. Stephanie says:

    Happy Birthday! I love the new shirt.

  2. Oh I hope you feel better soon! Happy Birthday! I love the new shirt (I actually just bought that pattern after seeing it so many times out in blogland:).

  3. Michelle says:

    Happy, happy birthday, my friend! Hope you feel much better in no time at all. Virtual vegetable soup (my specialty! The real kind, I mean) is on its way to you…

    Great portrait photo!

  4. Dallas says:

    Happy Birthday! The shirt is really cute.

  5. kelly says:

    Happy Birthday! So sorry you are not feeling well…Oh and love the top! I just made the dress, I see a long sleve version in my future very soon! -kb

  6. Anastasia says:

    happy birthday you sweet thing!! love the pics!!
    hey hope you’re feeling better soon!

  7. andrea says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Love the new shirt and list. Im attempting to sew a skirt at the moment and it’s not going very well, lol. Can’t wait to hear more about your new camera.

  8. Michelle says:

    happy belated birthday! Hope you feel well again to enjoy all you goodies!

  9. DianneS says:

    I really enjoyed your crafter’s profile in the Tucson Green Magazine. It’s an inspiration. I saw your goal list, including the item to start a garden in April. I wanted to say that here in Tucson, April may be a bit late for starting. Your seedlings may not be strong enough to withstand May’s intense heat. If you’re interested in local gardening, the Community Gardens of Tucson has a planting calendar that might help you decide what to put in and when. Here is our website:
    Send me an email and I’ll forward you a PDF of our newsletter, complete with the aforementioned planting calendar (Alas, it is not available on the website).

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