Dolphin Tote for Mrs. T

Super-E has been asking when I’m going to show the bag I made for Mrs. T!!! Well, here it is.

I was told, a few weeks ago, that she loves dolphins and her favorite color is purple. He said I had to make Mrs. T one because I made one for Miss S last year. How do they remember these things?

Well, the night before his last day of school, I ended up working until 9pm, and I had to work the next morning at 7am. I came home, ate a bit and was checking my e-mails. Then the ol’ hubby says, “so I guess you’re not making a bag for Mrs. T.?” Oh, *&$%@#!, I forgot! Don’t worry about it he says also mentioning how upset Super E was about it. GREAT!

Feeling all guilty I mustered up as much energy as I could and whipped this out with stash fabric. I mean, I was sewing really fast, not thinking much and my head was all buzzing. I ran out of bobbin thread twice, dog-gone it!!! Because all I had were partial bobbins and I didn’t want to spin up a new one. I am seriously amazed it turned out at all. I’ve made so many of these that I just went into automatic pilot. I was possessed! And yes, I AM certifiably crazy. Went to bed at 11pm! Phew! Won’t be doing that again until next year!

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7 Responses to Dolphin Tote for Mrs. T

  1. Sandra :) says:

    What a great tote! Last minute or not, it’s a great gift 🙂

  2. zoe krylova says:

    that’s beautiful. my daughter is crazy about dolphins and if gifted with a bag such as yours, would go absolutely mad with joy. you did a great job!

  3. Regina says:

    It shows no evidence of the late hour and tired creator – those “autopilot” projects are great for times like these!!

    Enjoy the summer!

  4. Aunt Jenny says:

    YOU my sister are SUPER MOM – I’m sure SUPER E would agree. His teacher must have loved that tote!
    Love Aunt Jenny

  5. cindy says:

    You did great in a jiffy. Apparently you work well under pressure. What a treasured gift. We ran into my son’s 1st grade teacher and she still has the quilt I made her. I had a little trouble remembering. He’s just finished 5th grade, so teachers truly do cherish gifts.

  6. Teresa says:

    It’s a lovely bag – No one will ever guess it was a rush job.

  7. it’s a great Bag! I’m new to sewing so auto pilot is not in my vocabulary yet! I think that would take me days to finish!

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