Vintage Sheet Fat Quarters. Want Some?

This is my contribution to Oh, Fransson’s Vintage Sheet Patchwork Swap.  She said we could send up to 80 and I took her seriously!  After all, I do have TONS of sheets piled up in my craft room with nothing to do.  It felt really good finally cutting into them. I saved a third of each sheet for myself, just in case I ever get the urge to make something out of them. Like a shirt, skirt or bag.

Can you believe I got them all of these to fit into a flat rate priority box!  Yeah, baby. Stuffed them right in.  I love paying flat rate on really heavy packages.

When I was cutting these, I got all spaced out and cut some of the squares too small.  I also had some little left over pieces that I just have to give away.  Otherwise, they’ll just end up as part of the big mess that already surrounds me.

So, there are two little bundles which means that two different people can have them.  There are 8 pieces of various vintage floral prints.  Perfect for little patchwork projects. Anyone want one?  Leave a comment by Thurday at Midnight and I’ll pick two winners on Friday.

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59 Responses to Vintage Sheet Fat Quarters. Want Some?

  1. kirsten says:

    yes! me! i love all your little triangles!

  2. Crystal says:

    I would love some…

    Just found your blog and really like it!

  3. Michele C says:

    I’d like a set. I never notice sheets at the thrift stores, but I’m never looking in that direction. Thanks. — Michele

  4. Kim says:

    Me! They look so pretty just being. I just bought my first sewing machine and constantly looking at and for inspiration….

  5. sarah says:

    My stash is seriously lacking in the vintage sheet department. I’m drooling with envy!

  6. Valerie says:

    I have had no luck when it comes to thrifting vintage sheets, so I would love to win! Thanks for thinking of making a giveaway out of them — I know anyone would love them.

  7. Wow, you must have gone crazy with the rotary cutter getting these all ready. Don’t they look nice all lined up in those little triangles? Please enter me in your drawing. I’d love to try something out with these lovely vintage sheets. 🙂

  8. Clever Karen says:

    oooooooo! what a stash! I want to come up with some vintage sheet projects – would love these pieces!

  9. Regina says:

    Just lovely – I would love to “adopt” some of these to go with the first thrifted sheet that you inspired me to buy.

  10. Kate says:

    I’d love to win a set! I’ve been looking at the thrift stores in my area but haven’t found any good sheets yet 🙁 and I want to start a collection!

  11. Emily S says:

    They would look simply delicious in a quilt that I have in mind!

  12. maryanne says:

    well, as it goes i never win anything…..but these little tiny moments of happiness really would make a nice skirt or bandana or tote for my granddaughters….oh please pick me ~~~

  13. Samantha says:

    Oh, those are gorgeous! They’d be great for a quilt.

  14. Sarah S. says:

    Wow…I would love to turn these puppies into a quilt. Lovely.

  15. I would LOVE them! I have just inherited some partially cut quilt pieces, ribbon trim and misc. craft stuff that belonged to my great grandmother who died when I was 17 yrs old. I’m almost 37 now. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with it, but this has inspired me to finish making her quilt (even if I am not one of the winners!) 🙂 Lovely pieces!

  16. Jessica says:

    Having donated 100% of my fabric before moving, I definitely would love some cute vintage bits! I can’t justify buying a whole sheet because it’d take up way too much space, and never get used completely up. But some small bits…. That’s be awesome!

  17. Alisa says:

    I’m loving all things vintage lately. Maybe, just maybe because I’m turning 50 this month and I think that makes me vintage as well! Beautiful blog I enjoy reading it daily.

  18. vania says:

    I am also into a lot of vintage lately, and love how you displayed your amazing collection. The pop of colours are so fantastic! I would just love some…

  19. ismoyo says:

    Ohohoh… if only i would be so lucky!
    And you have folded them so neatly. Oh pretty!

  20. fiona says:

    me, pick me! what great phoots i bet that was fun to do!you have some great prints there. Right did i suck up enough to be in the running?;)

  21. Kristin says:

    Those are beautiful, I would love to be entered, regardless I need to check out my local thrift stores…

  22. Samsara says:

    I can’t beleive what pretty sheets you fnd! We never have any like that in the UK; vintage sheets must have been used to threadbareness or else discarded long ago! I only find modern duvet sets in our local charity shops 🙁

  23. Letty says:

    What lovely sheets !! Would be great to win some!

  24. Emily says:

    If they’d work well for cloth napkins, put me in the lottery! We have a lovely yellow dining room that needs new napkins and would go really well with lovely vintage florals.


  25. Tine says:

    Aaaawwwww! They look beautiful! Here’s hoping I’m the lucky one 🙂

  26. Lisa L. says:

    Very cool – I love how you folded them all so beautifully! Lisa L.

  27. Sam. says:

    Vintage sheets might just be my most favorite thing EVER 🙂

  28. Teresa says:

    Pretty pictures and Pretty sheets – I bet it was hard to cut into them.

  29. sarah armstrong says:

    I’d love some but will you post to the UK? sarah x

  30. This is very generous of you. A lot of people will have fun with what you giving. I’ll be rooting to be one of these who will have the chance to invent something nice with these fabrics. Good luck to all!

  31. I have some of those same sheets and am still using them. My Nana gave them to me when she gave me her old bedroom set. How funny! I would love to enter for you sheet scraps. Thanks for the chance and have a wonderful day!!


  32. Missy says:

    You betchya I want them! I love to use vintage linens in my projects. Makes them very unique. What a thoughtful giveaway!

  33. Grayangi says:

    Those are so cute all together like that!
    I have only found vintage material one time, and no sheets or large bits. I have realized I have quite the thing for small bits though… the remnants sections and old clothes are my favorite places to find material. I like throwing things together that way. Thanx for the chance at your extras!!

  34. Jenny says:

    Please enter me in the draw! Very excited at the sight of all that fabric!

  35. Annie says:

    I’d love a package if you pull my name! Pleeeeeze! I don’t remember having such pretty sheets when I was growing up!

  36. Penny says:

    I would love some of those fabulous sheets, please sign me up for your drawing!

  37. Janice says:

    They look lovely, I’d love a set.

  38. Lisa Boyer says:

    These are so beautiful! I’m in! It’s so hard to find nice vintage sheets in my little corner of the world. Thanks.

  39. Hope says:

    I can’t believe you’re going to give away such beautiful eye candy. I’d love to have a set. so PICK ME! PICK ME! Thanks. 😉

  40. Taryn says:

    Your sheets are so much prettier than the ones I seem to find….I don’t think I’ve got the knack just yet. 80) oh, and I’ll be eternally greatful if I’m chosen.

  41. Ana Lilia says:

    oooh! i would love to make something out of those lovely prints. i haven’t seen any nice pillowcases in the thrift shops i’ve been to. your pillowcases remind me of the ones my mom had when i was a kid.

  42. Sue Cahill says:

    Oh yummy, I would love one of your little bundles. I make lots of little quilts with vintage fabric so those fabrics would find lovely homes. Thanks for sharing.

  43. Tricia says:

    I am DROOLING.. not sure if its the fabric (which is so darling) or the fact that you got the time to do that all at once.. I am juggling 3 month old and trying to make her a blanket now and we get about 20 minutes in a night.. 😀

  44. Mearaid says:

    Oh me please, I’d love some eye candy.

  45. Dallas says:

    Looks like you’ve got some great sheets in the bunch you sent off. I hope I get some of your yellow ones in the swap.

  46. tab says:

    Wow, I’m super impressed, I think my least favorite part of all projects is cutting the fabric, and you cut so much! But what beautiful fabric to cut into!

  47. Ashley says:

    Oh they remind me of both my grandmas…I would love a set!!

  48. Karen aka Grammy Mac says:

    I can’t believe you have so many sheets. I love them!

  49. Lexi says:

    Lovely! I like how they look all stacked together! 🙂

  50. carmen says:

    Yes, me! I love the way they look, all crisp and pretty

  51. Anastasia says:

    they look so cute photographed like that!!!

  52. Lindsey says:

    What fun you must have had amassing the collection and then making all those beautiful little bundles. And I agree–packing those flat rate boxes to their capacity with heavy items is completely satisfying! Here’s hoping my number comes up on the random generator!

  53. Gail says:

    Oh please count me in! I missed this swap, and have talked to miss fransson about running my own little swap in August. Be on the look out! I would love some sheet love 😉

  54. I would love to be included in your drawing 🙂

  55. wendy says:

    Oh, yes please!!! and thank you 🙂
    I wish they were easy to find where I live too…

  56. Shannon says:

    Those little bundles look so cute! I’m sure I could put them to good use. 🙂

  57. susy says:

    wow! these are so pretty! i never thought of using vintage sheets for fabric. what a great idea! i’d love to win!

  58. Linda says:

    Hi Regina,
    I gave someone a trigger point shot yesterday (v. satisfying to see someone walk out without pain) and thought of you when I was drawing out the lidocaine and took the top off, a big blue “flip off”!

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