You wouldn’t think that the dry, hot Arizona desert would be home to hundreds of edible foods and many many wildlife creatures. Yes, this desert is crawling with life. Even with temps still up in the 90s, flowers are blooming, cactus are plump, animals & insects all around and fruit is ripening everywhere.
After a nice, warm hike this morning and a hunt for prickly pears, we ran to a few stores gathering our supplies for an afternoon of jelly and syrup making. Thanks to Kelli for the great inspiration, and my sister who has been calling several times this last week asking me how to do this. Well, now I know.
It IS totally messy and sticky and makes the house too warm, but it doesn’t matter after you eat a slice of bread with this jelly, or pour yourself a cold prickly pear lemonade. Oh yeah baby, it’s real good. So good, that you magically forget that you made a pile of dirty dishes.
Until your very sweet husband magically makes the whole mess disappear. Yes, I am totally spoiled. And just because my guy is so nice, a nice big, yummy prickly pear margarita is on the menu for tomorrow.
Oh, that looks really good. What recipe did you use? I think I need to make some too!
Okay – you’ve inspired me! Today – walking to find prickly pears. I know just where to start!
Ok first, I now have the Jungle Book song stuck in my head.. thanks
and two, YUM! I love jelly, on anything at anytime, and have made breakfast for dinner just to have toast.. mmmmmm you may inspire me!
now I have to copy you who copied kelli who copied diane who copied martha…looks so good and I’ve never done it before! yummmmm