Good people of the world & FYI

I think I am dangerously close to becoming known as the bird lady. I do realize this, yet I keep goin’ on & on about these birds.  Can’t help it.

At the post office on Tuesday we had a little situation.  I am only sharing this with you so that you will know.  My husband, very graciously, took a box load of birds to the PO.  These boxes were those that had been sent with pre-printed labels.  At the desk he was told that these packages could not be sent because the labels were expired–no good.  The labels, he was told, could ONLY BE USED THE SAME DAY THEY WERE PRINTED.  Flabbergasted, my husband very kindly asked what could be done.  Roughly $40-$50 worth of postage were on these labels.  The postal lady was insistent–they could not be sent without additional payment.  Finally she called over the supervisor who, because of the goodness of his heart, and the patience, persistence and kindness of my husband, decided to let these go through.  phew!!!

So, lesson learned.  If you are participating in a swap, or need to send postage, please do not send pre-printed labels (or talk to your postal service person to make sure).  Paypal or actual postage stamps are best.   No harm done and everything went out as planned, without additional payment.  I just thought you should know.

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17 Responses to Good people of the world & FYI

  1. amy says:

    I don’t know, my maillady and the all the fellas at my branch P.O. say it makes no difference. Half the time I ship orders I print the postage the night before and forget to change the date to the following day. I have never had a problem before. Of course now that I’ve admitted this the next time it happens to me I’ll get a package returned! Sorry your hubs had to deal with the hassle though. Give him a hug from me for sticking to it!

  2. Alexis says:

    Holy frijoles! I’m glad the supervisor made an exception – and that your hubby made a valiant effort! Now at least you’ll know for next time…. haha, next time 🙂 Bird Lady!

  3. Taryn says:

    I’m sorry that your hubby had to go through all of that. It’s ridiculous. They don’t refund the money if those labels aren’t used. *big eye roll here*

  4. Deborah says:

    Wow. Good to know. Better to be safe than sorry. I must say, when we print the labels ahead of time we’re trying to make it EASIER for the postal people, right?

  5. Amy says:

    You can post date pre-printed postage, on some systems, but it does need to be shipped on the date on the postage label. As I understand it, from having a similar problem at my PO (who can be a bit difficult to deal with), is that the postage date printed leaves the shipping PO bound to the date. So if your postage states Feb 2, but it ships on the 20th, the PO is responsible for that 18 day delay. They CAN do something about it, but it’s been my experience, they like to make you sweat 🙂

  6. ~Ahrisha~ says:

    I GOT MY BIRDS! Yes I am yelling I am so excited they are all beautiful. I am taking pictures tonight and posting them on my blog.
    Thanks for all your work but this was really fun. Think you’ll do it again soon? Oh, give that honey of yours a kiss for sticking to it. I really appreciate it.

  7. Mel says:

    Yeah!!! I can’t wait!! Thanks ‘bird lady’!!

  8. raesha says:

    Our meter at work has the option to NOT put a date on a pre-printed label – that’s probably what needs to be done to avoid this situation. Then when it’s taken to the post office the post office clerk stamps it with that little round date stamp over the label. That’s how I do all my pre-printed labels and I’ve never had a problem. I am SO glad the supervisor made an exception – that would have been HORRENDOUS!

  9. WOW good to know! Glad the supervisor was nice enough to let yours go through!

  10. ELK says:

    I GOT birds today! what a real treasure and full of sweet ones from all over ELK

  11. Magpie Sue says:

    Whew! So glad that situation was resolved without you having to shell out more money. Kudos to your DH for sticking it out at the PO. (I can hardly get mine to go there on my behalf at all!)

    As for being known as the “bird lady,” there are worse labels!

  12. ~Ahrisha~ says:

    Bird post is up.
    Come on over and see what I got.
    Thanks again Regina!

  13. Annie Pazoo says:

    Our postal carrier offered a solution for our office’s use. This is for use when you’ve stuck postage from the postage-meter machine on a letter or package, but didn’t mail it the same day. He says to just run it through the machine again, or run a tape through the machine (either way, set the dollar amount to $0.00). That way the package will have the correct day on it (the day that it ‘entered’ the delivery system). He says they rely on that info to track how long it takes for the mail to get handled and delivered. Who knew? Anyway, long story, but since then it’s always worked for us. Just add a second metered label with the correct date (and no additional $0.00) or run the whole envelope through again for the same purpose. Hope this works for y’all, too! 🙂

  14. Taryn says:

    I got my flock and I’m thrilled!! Thank you so much for doing this. I know it must have been an overwhelming amount of work. ((hugs))

  15. Tricia says:

    We got ours today!!! I was all disappointed, I saw my own handwriting on the box and thought something got returned to me that I tried to ship out.. then I came inside and fell in love!! YA!!!

  16. Ana Melo says:

    Olá Regina,
    hoje recebi os meus pássaros, amei cada detalhe e fiquei muito feliz ao recebe-los
    Um beijinho a você que com tanto carinho preparou essa troca e a todas as meninas que participaram.

  17. Lizzie says:

    OH! MY! GOD! Why did it take me sooooooooo long to come across this FABULOUS, WONDERFUL & HEAVENLY website??!!!!!!!! I need 2 make-up 4 lost time~~~waaaaaaaaaaay too much catching up to do!!!!! THANK YOU 4 SHARING YOUR CREATIVENESS!!!!! BACHEEKS*!! Lizzie
    *BACHEEKS~Armenian 4 kisses!!

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