Artist trading cards

Remember these little mini-canvas boards that I made.  I used them to do some experimenting.  I accidentally bought some light molding paste recently. Not really knowing what to do with it, I opened up the jar and did a little playing.   I used it as a top layer in the top two cards.  It gave them a soft look, which I like.  I have have to play more with the stuff.

I’ve got some sewing projects on the sewing table incase you’re worried that I’m going art crazy.  I’ve still got a lot of sewing in me too.

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7 Responses to Artist trading cards

  1. Barbara Dahl says:

    Love them! That molding paste really gave it a softer look, very nice. so these are oil or acrylic paintings?

  2. Stacy says:

    Your ATCs are beautiful. Wondering how you use the molding paste. I’ve been making ATCs for a small swap group, but doing collage only. Would love to be able create some like your’s.

  3. Michelle says:

    They are fantastic! You really should make stacks and stacks of those plain mini-canvas boards and just have them ready to go.

  4. Michelle says:

    these are just beautiful! and i’m going to try that medium too, looks so much fun!

    thanks for joining the charm swap! we usually get up to 25 people. after the deadline closes, you’ll have a month to create.

    yea! loving your blog!

  5. Cassie says:

    Oh those are soo cute!
    I just love your blog! Great posts!
    Off to

  6. Carolyn says:

    i go thru these cycles of art/sewing/photography, but I must say you are really growing as an artist and i hope you continue these paintings! they are so pretty!

  7. urban craft says:

    I saw these little cards at Jo-Ann’s the other day and thought about snagging them. But after seeing yours I am inspired to do something. Now I must go get them. Not like a need another reason to go to the craft store.

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