1. MCatMagnoliaS, 2. lindas, 3. Available for sale on 20×200!, 4. here comes the sun, 5. frida costume, 6. Mini box, 7. little apron, 8. photo shoot:: preview, 9. Winslow through the hipstomatic, 10. butterfly bag, 11. 5×5, 12. 2 owls faces (Created with fd’s Flickr Toys).
I just discovered ‘things I love thursday‘ over on flickr (there’s a group HERE). Well, it just seemed to be the perfect prompt for my post today, because I have lots of love & links to share…
* 10 days in a carry-on will come in handy when I start packing for Artfest in a few weeks (eeeks!!)
* I’m hoping to make this Runabout Jacket, this awesome Weekender Bag and these cute slipper all before I go to Artfest (don’t hold your breath).
* This on-line magazine, Mes Petites Mains, is so pretty! A lot of it is in French, but it’s still fun to look at. Plus, I’m on page 92. 🙂
* We are tying our shoes super fast with this speedy little video.
* I really want to copy this entire copy-cat eyelet outfit (see second photo).
* I’m taking yet another e-course (I’m an e-course junkie) called Remains of the Day. It’s a super fun journal making class.I’m busy gathering all sorts of interesting scrap paper.
* iHanna is hosting a postcard swap!! I signed up yesterday morning (because I just can’t help myself). And, check out her excellent planner project while you are over there.
* I’ve made my Feel at Home owl print available for you as a PDF~ print away… Click Here.
* I having a ‘sponsor me sale’ –>see here for details.
pheeeewww! I think I shared quite enough with you today. Thanks for bearing with me.:)
You are a busy bee! I’ve recently found your blog and really love the tutorials- I’m planning on doing some bibs soon!
Your “loves” are brilliant! You are going to artfest? How fun!!! 😀
Congratulations on your feature in the magazine! Yay!
You have been up to quite a bit, yes? Good for you…
have a beautiful day,
Thanks so much for the post today and the lovely print of the owl.