sunday thoughts (and winners)

I love this picture of my Super-E.  I took it when we were in San Diego.  The hubby and I were sitting on a bench watching the kids run around a fountain in Balboa park.  Then Super-E sat down in this position, for quite a long time.  People were stopping to watching, I think a few even people stopped to take his picture!  It was really cute though.

We’ve been dropping the kids off at school and going for a 60-90 minutes hike. This was taken on Wednesday.  It was close to 80 degrees when we finished out hike. Beautiful weather and the ocotillo plants are so green and alive.

On Thursday, when we went hiking again and it was cloudy, grey and cold (well for desert rats, that is).  That is how the season changes around here, over night. I am so happy that the weather is cooling and we can go outside to play!


Now for the winners:

The winners are: #8 April Cole, #11 Little Bird in a Beehive, #16 Bonita Rose, #52 Kathreen, #57 manonpojes, and # 63 Sylvia from the Heart.

Thank you so much for all the kind words. They mean the world to me! And thank you to all the lurkers out there who stopped by to say hi! I LOVE hearing from you!!

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4 Responses to sunday thoughts (and winners)

  1. omg I won!! I ACTUALLY won 😀
    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee! thankyou so much Regina!!!
    oo! I’m so excited 🙂 its a good week already!
    Love the pic btw, and if i wasn’t brave enough to actually do it, I would have wished I’d stopped to take a photo of him..

  2. Andria says:

    Congratulations to the winners! Very lucky folks. I love the idea of a daily 60 to 90 minute hike…sounds heavenly, especially with those views. Great picture of your son, too!

  3. bonitarose says:

    so so happy I won.. I love your art…. xo hugs have a wonderful creative day!

  4. manonpopjes says:

    Yipeeeeeee I am so happy I won!!!! Thank you so much!!!!I love your art!!!

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