My grandpop gave me this metal bowl a few visits back and I tossed it in a box when I got home. I found it again in my big clean out. I also found my favorite color of spray paint and the light bulb went on.
After a base spray with turquoise, I took out the acrylic paints and some glazing medium and added a darker turquoise to the deeper crevices and a lighter color to the raised areas. Then I dry brushed the paints all over, which helped it from looking too flat.
I really like how it turned out. Now it carries my brooch & pin collection. 🙂
I think the bowl was so beautiful I probably wouldn´t have done anything with it. And then here you come and make it even more magnificent! And usually I feel pretty bold about doing stuff like this. Thanks for once again broadening my horizon! 🙂
That’s so pretty!
~Have a lovely day!
Great transformation ~ beautiful!
I love the new look!
that it such a cool idea. I always see pretty metal bowls like this at the thrift store but think the metal is not going to work in my house… it will:)
holy smokes batman!!! LOVE this Regina! mmmmm my favorite color too! xoxox Miss you dearest. Swimming in a sea of too do’s and too muches up here in canada…and soon the summer. But this one will be better than last. :o) love your posts! Thanks for the inspiration :o)