love yourself first

Love Yourself First, art by Regina Lord

Love Yourself First, acrylic on watercolor paper

You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.” ~ Annonymous

I think this one is my favorite so far, but then I’ve said that about all of them.  I’m just really enjoying this little project and seeing the sweet little characters that emerge from paper and paint.  Painting does make me so happy and I love myself more because of it.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love & affection.” ~Buddha

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4 Responses to love yourself first

  1. Angella says:

    Oh how very special this is Regina. I love the painting, the blogpost and especially that anonymous quotation!!! It is so so true. “… your simple presence can make others happy.”

  2. iHanna says:

    Beautiful words, and such beautiful painting. Just adorable!

  3. Andie says:

    You my dear friend are brilliant. I am completely, whole heartily enamored with all your gorgeous art, words and photographs. <3

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