gypsy bracelets

gypsy bracelets

My love for making jewelry is fast and fleeting. It hits me out of nowhere and I MUST dig through my beads to make something. Twenty-four  hours later, and the impulse is completely gone. So, I must work fast when it hits me.

gypsy bracelets

A while back I had ordered from etsy, little word charms that say “magic” with the thought of making bracelets like these for a few friends of mine. I wrapped plain bangles with sari silk ribbon, silver thread and made little beaded charms. They were really fun to make.

crystal pendant

While digging through my bead collection, I found the copper oval, another purchase from etsy. I thought it would be cool to add the crystal point inside by wrapping it with wire. A fun challenge of dexterity patience.

crystal pendant

I had wanted to do more with a beaded chain, but alas, my mind has already moved on to finishing my studio room chair.

Is this what you call creative ADD?

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5 Responses to gypsy bracelets

  1. these are beautiful! LOVE your jewelry pieces. and btw – i also suffer from creative ADD… 😉

  2. angella says:

    OMG I am crazy about your gypsey bracelets Regina!!! absolutely awesome! GOTTA MAKE SOME NOW!!!!! o.O

  3. I love the bracelets and yes, creative ADD. I know it well. xo

  4. Michelle says:

    Whatever it is, they are soooo pretty.

  5. Tamara says:

    Those bracelets are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. Your blog is very fun and you’re so creative. Happy Thanksgiving!

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