Tag Archives: decor
on the table
What’s on the table besides food? I wanted to fancy up the table a bit since my roses stopped blooming. I really do miss having them on my table for the last 4 weeks. Rocky is missing his rose petal … Continue reading
Posted in Home Sweet Home, i make stuff, Recycle,Reduce,Reuse
Tagged Art, craft, decor, hand paintedtable runner, home, paper flowers, recycled bottles, table top
busy around the house, part 2: living room
I forget how easy it is to make pillows, even with zippers, and I wonder way it took me so long and why I dreaded it so much. We bought our sofa in 2001. It came with the most awful … Continue reading
Posted in Art, Home Sweet Home, Sewing
Tagged curtains, decor, hand painted, home, living room, pillows