This week was my baby’s 1st birthday. I can’t believe that he is already one. Oh how time flies! Unfortunately, we have both been pretty sick these last few days. Yesterday he finally looked like he was feeling better so we had a little party for him- just the four of us. I made him a birthday crown and bib just for the occasion. I have been needing a bib for him that actually keeps his clothes from getting all messed up. Who ever makes those teeney little bibs truly under estimates the messiness of a small child. I made this one for full coverage. It’s a hand towel with ribbon and zig-zag accents and 1/2″ bias tape trim. Next time I’ll use 1″ bias tape which will be so much easier to sew. I really like how it turned out except that I made the neck hole a little too big. I had to pin it closed tighter around his neck when he had it on, but it still worked great! I am planning on make a couple more. Click HERE (or see previous post) for a picture of him with his bib and crown.