Good Bye Craftroom


Before this last weekend we had two work spaces in our home- my craft room (or the crap room which my hubby affectionately calls) and my hubby’s library/office. My hubby’s room was really a formal dining room that we turned into an office for him to work out of. (We only do casual dining anyway). Because we will be moving out-of-state soon, our real estate agent suggested we make that office back into a formal dining room because people have a hard time visualizing anything else other than what they see. Since my hubby actually makes money from his office (he has an online book store) we decided to dismantle my craft room (sniff sniff) and move his 5 bookshelves worth of books into my beloved craft room. I still have my sewing table and crafting countertop in there but we have to share now (he was really in there using the computer all the time anyway). The sad sad reality is that all of my precious craft suplies have been scattered all over the house into dark closets and lowly cabinets wondering when they will again see the light of day. It’s really put my crafting to a standstill!! To add insult to injury,after moving all those books over the weekend, I decided it would be a brilliant idea to take a new “total body training” class at my gym on Monday morning. HA!! It totally kicked my butt!! So now every muscle in my body is tender to movement and I have been a lump ever since (even 3 days later). Only my hands are free of achy muscles (hence the typing of this post). I must get back in gear though. The house goes up for sale on Monday and then the continual house cleaning relay begins!!

Messycraftroom.jpgThe picture above is my craft room about 2 1/2 years ago when I first created it. Since then, it had accumulated art all over the wall, piles of fabric in the corners and on the love seat and had been rearranged a little. I had also made a slip cover for the large metal shelf which housed most of my supplies. It looked more like this picture on the right. Well, actually, this was taken in December when I was in the middle of a gift making frenzy.

Now it is gone. Just a distant memory. It’s okay though. In my head I have bigger and greater things in mind for my next ART STUDIO. A very large craft table, a seperate sewing table, lots of storage, an easel and dress form, maybe a new sewing machine. Yes, yes I can see it all now! Well, we can all dream can’t we!

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3 Responses to Good Bye Craftroom

  1. WillowGrace says:

    awww…i mourne the passing of your craft room, too. It was so colorful! looked like it was full of inspiration. Well, at least you know there’s a future home for all your goodies. Good luck with the move.

  2. I haven’t “read” the entry yet, my kids are still awake and I need to “manage” them. But pictures say a thousand words. I will read it later, nap time tomorrow or early in the morning, but your “studio” or craft room looks soooo wonderful. I could be very creative there. I love red. Red is energy, warmth, blood. Blood flowing through the creative veins! Thanks for sharing, sorry you have to leave it, but I can only imagine what your next creative space will look and feel like! You have a lot of surprises ahead.

  3. Sarah says:

    How very sad to have to give that up! but, your next space will be even more grand!

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