Illustration Friday- Spotted


This week’s topic – spotted, had me really stumped. All I could think of was spotted eggs (no doubt from an egg-full weekend). So finally, I came up with Apsen trees. To me, they are the most beautiful trees with ther shimmery leaves and spotted trunks. I grew up in Northern Arizona where aspen trees are plentiful, especially in Flagstaff, Az where I went to college. They remind me of long hikes up the San Fransisco Peaks in Flagstaff and drives up to Hasayampa Lake in Prescott. My spotted trees were done on a small piece of canvas paper with acrylic paints.

I’ve also been wanting to post this rubber stamp print series. I had wanted to use the top right one as an entry for IF –SPRING a couple of weeks ago, but was too busy. I made a series of four each depicting a different season, altogether telling a little love story.  1) Winter Love, 2) Spring Emergence, 3) Summer Fullfillment and 4) Autumn Gathering.  Each piece is carved on 4 x 5.5 rubber blocks. I then inked them up, printed each one on linen paper and then scanned them on my computer. I printed them from my computer onto notecards and gave these away last Christmas as notecard sets.

4 seasons

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12 Responses to Illustration Friday- Spotted

  1. LOVE these!!! The top and the bottom series…you are on fire missy. So many wonderful creations. Did you make these stamps yourself?
    …still waiting on a buyer (sigh)

  2. Natali says:

    Absolutly love this! Beautiful!

  3. Lexi says:

    Your trees are wonderful – beautiful texture and clear color! Stamps are very nice too!

  4. Geninne says:

    WOW, those aspen trees are gorgeous, I love em too, love the contrast of the white bark with the dark spots.
    And the rubber stam prints are amazing, I gotta learn how to do that.
    Beautiful work as always 🙂
    Thanks 4 dropping me a note on my blog…you’re too nice!
    Big warm hug.

  5. Bron Smith says:

    Beautifully painted aspen trees, Regina. Such soft, lofely colors.

  6. alina says:

    These are beautiful!!

  7. valgalart says:

    you do such beautiful work! Both of these submissions are cream of the crop!!!

  8. Both these things BLOW me away. The painting of the Aspen Trees is wonderful. It is a little different than some of the stuff I have seen lately, but equally as pleasing to the eye.
    And those rubber stamps are so intricate. Everything you do is, well, awesome!
    (Hey it is about 4:50am and I am off to the gym….really, no joke! But I just needed some kismet to get me there)

  9. tammy hanna says:

    Your trees are stunning! Such gorgeous colours.

  10. Amy Zaleski says:

    Terrific idea on the trees and so nicely painted! The stamps are a lot of fun, too!

  11. Holly says:

    I love all of these. Simply beautiful!

  12. carla says:

    OMG – the paionting is gorgeous!!! The treatment of the bark is masterful, and the overall effect is so tranquil. This is a beautiful mediation piece…I could sit and stare and get lost in peacful thoughts. I love the subtle gradations of blue and green in the background. Your stamp series is wonderful too! I really want to make some stamps…I’ve never done any stamp carving before, but i have all the supplies. There’s just not enough time in the day!

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