Old friends

First I have to say, “Oh  #^@*!!!” I just read my comments this morning and my last entry was posted on Whip Up. Gulp. My heart has not been able to beat properly since. I wrote that post yesterday morning and wasn’t able to post it until last night because I didn’t want to offend anyone. I was ready to scratch it all and at the last minute said “screw it!” and hit the publish button. I really didn’t think that many people would be reading it. So, I apologize if I ruffled any feathers and I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad. Really! I totally understand the time constraints. Hell, I’m a mother of two little ones, I know!!! It’s just that when Whiplash started I thought, “THIS IS GOING TO BE HUGE!” I guess I was just a little dissapointed at the number of entries and had to voice my opinion about it.

The whole point of this post was not to talk about Whiplash, but to share a little story about an old friend. This friend, from Az, was part of one of the best nursing crews that I’ve ever worked with in my 7 years of nursing (hello 3-easters!!) Anyway, this friend L was pregnant with her second baby the first (second?) year I worked with her. As a gift I made her a little hooded towel with appliqued hearts all over it. As you can see, 5 years later, the hearts have almost all fallen off.
A with hooded towelA with hooded towel- back

You have no idea how much it warms my heart that someone loves something that I made so much that it is falling to pieces! Doesn’t she just look adorable! I love these pictures!  Thank you so much L for sending them to me.  When I get back to AZ, I’ll have to get started on new one for her!

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5 Responses to Old friends

  1. ani says:

    i thought your comments were great! it is actually making me think more about diving into the blogosphere, which has scared me a little since my writing skills are well, questionable. and it also REALLY made me think about trying to carve out a little more regular crafting time in my kookoo busy life (to perhaps enter the challenge with my even more shaky crafting skills!). thanks!

  2. moki says:

    LOL on you whip up complaint. I am a total slacker and I didn’t take offense. I just feel to menatlly challenged to come up with something clever…so I guess my excuse is I’m expecting too much from myself 🙂

  3. I totally agree with you, I hope you know that! And when I feel comfortable I will certainly consider one of their challenges.

    I find it funny, and extremely defensive sounding of the mysterious violetrose in the comments of the last post. Some one who, apparently isn’t too busy to leave you a nasty comment, maybe he/she should be using their energy a little more positively and constructively.

    Doesn’t seem to want to be contacted. Funny again!

  4. is this an on going comp? or just for a few weeks- what week is it on? i am new to blogging and everytime i find something cool it is too late.

  5. Lina Gillam says:

    hey nice articel! I like your style! cya!

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