
This week we celebrate the birthday of my littlest wee one….

Oh how I love him so. Those cheeks! They send me into the most crazy kissing action.

Funny memories, special moments? There are so many things, but so that I won’t forget I’ll list a few things about my little guy:

1) He weighed 9 lbs 9 oz at birth (I’m kinda bragging).
2) He was due on Valentine’s day but decided to wait over a week for his big appearance.
3) He still loves to breastfeed for a few minutes before bed. The only time he’ll let me snuggle.
4) He’s been calling me “Da-Da” for the past month (I’m *this* close to quitting my job because of it!) He thinks it’s pretty funny too.
5) He’s very brave and adventurous (can we say gray hair?)
6) He loves dancing to The Cure (who doesn’t, right?)
7) He’s the strong silent type. Doesn’t say much (yet).
8) He makes you work for a smile. He doesn’t just give them away freely to anyone.
9) He loves to raid the refrigerator several times a day and eat “cheeeeze!” (soy of course).
10) He thinks his big brother is the tops!  What more could a mother ask for? I’m pretty lucky!

We had an early birthday party over the weekend with my family. Thank goodness too because I could have done some serious damage with these cupcakes if left by my lonesome. They are were dangerously delicious.  The boys just licked the frosting off the tops of course, but the cake was moist, dense and VERY yummy. The recipe came from THIS very decadent and eye-pleasing cookbook.  You can be sure that there will be more yummy cupcakes in my future.

This entry was posted in Family Life, Food, recipes. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Two

  1. lisa says:

    I’ve been lurking for some time now. I love your blog and all your beautiful crafts.

    What a cutie! He reminds me of my 27 mos old (who has that same sweater although he outgrew it). Happy birthday little one!!

  2. krista says:

    I like reading about your birthday boy!

  3. Anastasia says:

    Happy Birthday little man – he is gorgeous Regina!!!
    Love the sweater!!

  4. Michelle says:

    Happy happy birthday to your little sweetie. May the year ahead be filled with exciting adventures, much love, and laughter.

  5. Kit says:

    Those cupcakes look really yummy!!! Could you be so kind to let us know the recipe for those!? I see why you’re so proud of your son! He’s adorable!

  6. Anonymous says:

    I atemted to make these but the frosting didnt turn out white and was thin can you help me make it like yours.

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