Bag Lady Skirts


These two skirts were made from thrifted bags that I found at Savers for $2 each. They were big enough for me to fit into and a quick-n-easy sew.  I just had to cut off the tops and bottoms of the bags, hem and make a button hole & casing for a drawstring. Easy peasy! They go to just above my knee and are perfect summer wear.

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6 Responses to Bag Lady Skirts

  1. lisette says:

    Great bags! And your new banner is also very nice. Very nice picture! x

  2. heidi says:

    Those skirts are totally cute! And I love the new banner!

  3. Anastasia says:

    how clever! and what a bargain!! wish I could sew im so wonky at it!

  4. Ellen says:

    Wow! Those are great prints.

  5. Shelly G. says:

    I love that idea… I have a skirt that is like this… but I never thought about making one of my own… I can’t wait to make a few… thank you for such a great idea…

  6. What cute summer skirts! I love those prints!

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