almonds anyone?

I think almonds are my favorite nut, but I won’t refuse a handful of cashew, pistachios or macadamia nuts.  Pecans and walnuts make it into many of my meals too.  Almonds though, are my savior.  I always have some in my bag for work.  They are quick and easy energy for those times I can’t get to my lunch in a timely manner. I also love the yummy milk they make.  It’s my milk of choice, for my cereal, smoothies, tea and baking recipes.

I recently read this great post about making your own almond milk.  I had no idea it was so easy.  Very cost effective and more nutritious as well (no weird additives).  Novel Eats has a great break down of cost too.

I only used a half cup of almonds, just to try it out.  It made about 3 1/2 cups of milk.  After straining you are left with the almond meal, which I didn’t want to waste.  So, I decided that it would make a great face scrub.  You can use it on its own by putting a small amount in your hand plain or with a couple of drops of honey and add a bit of water.  Make a paste and scrub up your pretty face.

I made my own yummy smelling scrub instead. Here’s my recipe (modified from Family Herbal):

1/4 cup almond meal (from the almond milk making process or you can use dry by grinding up some raw almonds in a food processor)
1 tablespoon white kaolin clay
1 tablespoon oatmeal
1 heaping teaspoon  dried lavender
1 heaping teaspoon crushed dry rose petals
1/2 tsp poppy seeds

Combine oats, lavender and rose petals in a food processor or coffee grinder and grind up to a fine/course consistency.  Mix with almond meal, poppy seeds and clay until thoroughly combined.  Keep in an airtight  container in your fridge. If using all dry ingredients, refrigeration is not necessary. Use a small amount and add a bit of water to make a paste.  Add a few drops of honey for added moisturizing benefits.

This scrub smells heavenly!  I’ve been using it everyday for the last 4 days and my skins feels soft and nurished.  I will definitely be making more of this.

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6 Responses to almonds anyone?

  1. Angelica Hibbs says:

    This is soooo cool. I love almond milk and it’s twice the cost over here than it was in AZ. I think “I” can even try making my own! Thanks Regina 🙂

  2. I have been using a similar concoction since I was young, about twelve. My mother taught me to grind up oatmeal, almonds, and nonfat milk. I keep it in a jar under the sink. When I wanted to use it, I spooned out about 2 tsp. and mixed it in my hand with warm water to make a paste.
    My skin feels so soft and clean using it…and I love your additions for my next batch!!

  3. Sharon says:

    I have dreamed of growing and drying my own lavender. Love your creative and inspiring blog!

  4. Cheryl J says:

    Hi I just found your blog recently. This looks like a great thing to try. I live in the Seattle area and I have plenty of lavender to use. I also spent many years in the Southwest,Nogales Az. to be exact.

  5. Stephanie says:

    Two awesome things in one. I never knew you could make your own almond milk. It sounds so cool and that scrub looks so professional!

  6. joanie says:

    This looks fantastic. I will love trying this. And I’m a huge nut lover too. I also have almonds with me on the run, I keep a tiny pot in my handbag at all times.

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