Artfest workshop ~ Karen Michel

So, continuing on with wonderful Artfest experience

My first class was ‘Prayer Flags’ with Karen Michel. I chose this class because I love Karen’s style (you can see her flags here) and because she is a green artist. She recently came out with the book, Green Guide for Artist, so I was very excited to meet her.

She was a wonderful teacher with a very warm, kind and giving personality. I thoroughly enjoyed the class. She had some very useful tips that I found very handy.

It’s amazing how quickly a full day of creating will go by. The time just flew. It was a rush at the end to finish, but I did.

When we were done, we hung our flags on the balcony rail so that our prayer flag intentions would blow in the wind throughout artfest and the fort.

Then after the class was done, I hung my flags over my bed in my dorm room. Now, they will hang on my very large window in the dining room. A nice reminder to slow down, be kind, breathe deeply, be open and be peaceful.

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5 Responses to Artfest workshop ~ Karen Michel

  1. Erin Leigh says:

    Hi Regina,
    It was so great to meet you. Love your blog + your flag. My mind is exploding with ideas, but i’m feeling kind of overwhelmed, like I don’t want to lose or forget anything. This class was great. Loved it!

  2. Erin Leigh says:

    Love your tutorials. i’ve wanted to make stamps for a while + now I’m even more inspired. these are too cue. what a great gift. it’s going on the list!

  3. Cori Berg says:

    Oh how nice.. i love all the flags hanging over the balconies… i want to make my own now!

  4. these are so inspiring! i love how they look from the balcony!

  5. Teresa says:

    Your banner is awesome!

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