time spent…

It’s not like I have a lot of time to spend on the internet, I don’t. But, somehow I get sucked into certain spots that gobble up minutes. Guilty pleasures I guess.

One of these places is Polyvore. When I’m doing the day-to-day mommy thing, I don’t care too much about how I dress. A good pair of jeans, a tshirt with a hoodie or cardigan is my winter standard. But in my dreams, where I have a actual clothing budget and a fun place to go, I like to design outfits with fun accessories. I don’t do it often, but it’s fun to play around with this.

And then there is Pinterest, my newest obsession.  I have found myself peeking in every now and then throughout the day, and pinning like mad. Facebook: I never check it. Twitter: I don’t get yet. But Pinterest? I love it. It’s so visually stunning and organized. Lists and lists of pretty pictures all collected in one spot. What’s not to love.  I have a few invites, if you’d like to check it out (just leave me a note in the comments). If you are already on Pinterest, you can add me if you’d like. 🙂

Now for the winners of my brooch giveaway…..

Pixie Dust, Lady Catfern and Ashley you have each won one of my brooches. Please send me an email (on my sidebar) your mailing address and I’ll ship those off to you right away.

Thank you so much everyone for playing. Have a great weekend!!

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8 Responses to time spent…

  1. bonitarose says:

    oh my that polyvore site is too much fun.. i just joined… and i am on pinterest…. love it!

  2. Deborah says:

    I also adore Pinterest!

  3. Lindsy says:

    I LOVE pininterest! It’s totally addicting in every way! I just started with it but instant love!

  4. Nancy Rector says:

    I’ll be doing some time “gobbling” today just on your Pinterest “For the Home” alone!


  5. Jeanie Joe says:

    Woe is me, I just spent one hour on Polyvore, then went back to your blog entry and found the Pinterest link. Two very cool sites to spend creative time on. I didn’t like Facebook anyway, ha!

  6. Jessica says:

    this is the first I am hearing of PinInterest but it looks like so much fun! I just clothes . . .

  7. Debby says:

    I too have wasted time (had fun) on polyvore!! I will have to try Pininterest too. Another good one for home design is Olioboard.

  8. Laurie says:

    Pintrest is awesome. I especially love the magical places board. Would love an invitation if you still have one!

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