Art of Giving E-course ~ Promo video #2


I made another video, hopefully to entice you into spending 4 glorious weeks with me exploring various creative ways to express gratitude.  Much of my content for the class is completed and I can’t wait to get started.

Things I thought you would like to know:

** I have extended the deadline dates : If you post about this e-course on your blog by July 12th 23rd, I will give you an additional $10 off the early registration fee (which has also been extended to the same date).  Everyone that does this, will also get a chance to win a free spot. I need all the help I can get getting the word out. Please help!   I have poured my heart and soul into this course to make it worth every penny.

**You don’t have to know how to paint or be an artist to take this class.  There will be lots of instructional step-by-step to help you along with this.

** The website will be open to you for at least 9 weeks to allow you to take it as slow as you need.  You will be able to watch all videos and see all the info.

** Please send any questions to me ~ regina(at)creativekismet(dot)com

I hope you will consider joining me.  It’s going to be so much fun!

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4 Responses to Art of Giving E-course ~ Promo video #2

  1. MelBee says:

    lovely video-love the music-looking forward to starting xx:-))

  2. Andria says:

    You created such a lovely, peaceful video for your course! I just don’t feel like I can commit the time to it right now, but if it is available in the future, I have it noted down, and will return to it! Good luck with it; I don’t have a huge blog readership, but I will mention it there!

  3. hi regina. i working on a post right now, and will share your course

  4. Jaime says:

    Hey Regina! I posted your video on my blog. The class looks lovely. I am not sure I will be able to sign up. Maybe I will win the free class : ) I am so excited for you and your creative journey!

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