more postcards

I made some postcards to send to a few friends who I had promised little swaps with a l-o-n-g time ago. I finally got around to getting them done. Now the big challenge will be getting them in the mail. Tomorrow, I’m hoping.

They are made from these paper/paint pages that I had made a while ago.

Some of the paint techniques used in these will be taught in my e-course, including layers of paint, textures, use of color and a bits of collage. All things that can be carried on to projects like journaling and altering books.

Now about the postcards again, if I make several things for a swap, I like to save one for myself. The trouble is deciding which one.

Which one would you keep?

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12 Responses to more postcards

  1. Libellune says:

    The last one or maybe the last one… It’s difficult to choose :o)

  2. April Cole says:

    They are all so wonderful!
    Very hard choice to make :]

  3. Wow, that’s a bundle of goodness! Seriously!

  4. iHanna says:

    Love the way you make postcards, they are always so pretty!

  5. elsa says:

    The birds are my favorite ~ all of them are so lovely!

  6. Sunny says:

    The postcards are wonderful. What a nice treasure for the lucky recipients! I also loved the little plaster paintings.

  7. Andria says:

    Love your postcards…your recipients are very lucky! I like the top set best, especially the very top one on the left. But the arrow one is great too. And the one with two trees and the little house. So I guess you can’t go wrong!!

  8. you are so well roundedly (ok. that’s not a word I guess) talented!!! Is there anything you can’t do?!?! sew, paint, illustrate etc, etc!!! I’m really hoping you offer a fall/winter e course! xo

  9. Glenda Hoagland says:

    I would pick the one with the bluebird. It is so lovely. They are all perfect.

  10. Joyce says:

    I like them all, but my favorite is the yellow flower.

  11. Kate D says:

    oh they are all so nice! I hope the e-course is just fabulous for you!! Can’t wait to hear how it goes. I am totally tempted but I have to say no as I have WAY too many courses on the go at this moment in time…I must exercise restraint. 🙂 But all the best!

  12. Margaret B. says:

    Which would I keep? The wee house with the view of the pretty trees? the love arrows? they are all beautiful…

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