Rock Monster

Do you have small kids? Do you have this CD/DVD? You HAVE to get it!! It totally ROCKS!!! Really it does, unlike no other kid’s music I’ve heard. Being an old They Might Be Giants fan may help a wee bit, but I really don’t think so. It’s the kind of music that you don’t mind too much that your kids are listening to over, and over, and over again. You might even find yourself singing it at work or at the store. The kids love it too! It comes with both a cd and dvd which is great for when one gets destroyed, the other will (hopefully) still exist and be in playing condition. A special thanks to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Chris for this gift. It’s a definite hit!!

This was made a few weeks back for my super-I’s birthday gift. I’m in the process of making a blue one for his brother who has to have one too, of course. It’s sorta inspired by one I saw on Mahar Dry Goods. Super-I loves his monster towel. It keeps him nice and warm after getting out of the tub.


Don’t forget to sign up for my notecard swap . You have until Sunday, March 16th!  THIS swap looks fun too.  Check it out!

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10 Responses to Rock Monster

  1. Celeste says:

    How very bizarre!
    I’m a lurker, but I had to comment.
    I’ve spent most of this evening looking for kids music for my baby girl and listening to the clips of the TMBG kids albums.
    I’m an old TMBG fan too, so I decided years ago, long before my daughter was born, that any kids I had would grow up listening to these albums. Anything to save my sanity from the usual CBeebies stuff.

    I’m glad to hear it’s good listening. You do know they’ve done 2 other kids albums don’t you? “No” and “Here Come the ABC’s” I haven’t heard either yet though.

  2. Teresa says:

    That ‘monster’ towel is sooo cute!

  3. Michelle says:

    I already left you a comment in Flickr! about the CD (so weird, especially paired with Celeste’s comment), but I also have to tell you how amazingly cute that monster towel is. So great. I need to make the girls some out of adult-sized towels since the other one they have is getting too small (sniff! sniff!). They’d have to be pink monsters, though!

  4. Michelle says:

    Oh, and quit it with the swap links. You’re killin’ me, here!

  5. Kate says:

    Hey Girl, I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now, and I recently started a blog of my own. I added a link to your page, and I was just making sure it was fine with you. 🙂


  6. Becky says:

    I heart that monster towel!

  7. Alexis says:

    Oh cool, I didn’t know there was a new TMBG cd/dvd. We have “Here Come The ABCs” and “No!” Did you ever see the Bed, Bed, Bed book that came with a cd? It has great illustrations and we listen to the cd (4 short songs) nearly every night at bedtime. All are well loved around here.

  8. Melanie says:

    The towel is just wonderful!!!! So cute 🙂

  9. sm00bs says:

    My daughter (as well as my husband and I both) loves the 123’s. She asks for it all the time, along with the ABC’s. We just saw TMBG when they were in DFW a couple weeks ago. I felt guilty I couldn’t take my daughter. I hope they come back around for a kids’ show. 🙂

    Do you have an RSS feed for your blog? I’d love to set it up through my reader to be able to read it and keep up with your great posts! One of my friends just shared a link to the pincushions and I love it!!

  10. dot says:

    Hey! found you from
    and I love your stuff-this towel is so clever! (and after looking around i realized i’d been here before looking at your illo fridays , heh)
    Nice to meet a fellow TMBG fan, too! We have the ABCs but not the 123s yet..

    I’ll be linking over to this post, if ya don’t mind 🙂

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