His & Her Water Bottle Carrier


I’ve had THIS water bottle carrier for a while and use it almost everyday and I love it.  Now that it’s faded and permanently dirty, I thought I’d make a new one using the same tutorial (thanks Kathy!).  While I was at it, the hubby asked for one too.   Sure, no problem.


This time around, I thought I’d go through some of my scraps and use them up.  Found lots of brown and green.  Perfect for the man of the house.  Then there was a whole bunch of pink pieces.  Not really my color, but what the heck, I’m trying to use what I have.


Had them all done just in time to take them hiking with us.  Now I need to make two more for those little guys of mine, not that it will help them with carrying their own water bottles.

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6 Responses to His & Her Water Bottle Carrier

  1. jessica says:

    Those water bottle carriers are a great idea! Thanks for the tutorial link…I’m heading over to make some myself!

  2. Andrea says:

    Those turned out great! I just picked up new canteens for back to school this weekend. No cute carriers like these though!

    Much love,

  3. Michelle says:

    Wonderful! We have the Kleen Kanteens too (isn’t that what those are peeking out from the top?), and the only thing I don’t like about them is how they “sweat” so much when I fill them with ice (I like my drinks c-o-l-d). I think I’ll have to make some pretty soon, especially since I’ve had that tutorial bookmarked for who-knows-how-long! :0)

  4. Maria says:

    The link to the tutorial is broken 🙁 I was looking forward to make one for myself. I’m a klutz. I’ve already damaged three expensive bottles by dropping them. These carry bags will stop that.
    Please someone share the tutorial with me.

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