First, thank you for all of the awesome comments on my last portrait post. So much excellent feedback–Wow! I really enjoyed reading everything and seeing why one was liked more than another. I am definitely doing this again! Thanks for all your help!
Now, on to hand painted papers.
For this project, I used painter’s masking paper which comes in green and brown and can be found at any hardware store. It costs less than $5 for a 60 yard roll. It is durable enough for paint, yet thin enough to use for a number of creative projects like decoupage, mixed-media collage, gift wrapping, origami, paper flowers and any other project requiring pretty papers.
You can make any color and pattern you like and end up with a beautiful collection of paper without spending very much money.
All you need is some cheap acrylic craft paints, masking paper, stencils, stamps and paint brushes.
I loved being able to use my hand carved stamps for this too! (see hand carving tutorial here)
First, take a good length of paper and paint a thin layer of paint for the background. I did this very quickly with a squirt of 1-3 different colors and smeared them around with an old shopping card. I used some pearl-y paints too to add an bit of shimmer.
with stamps, lines, marks, etc
Once the first layer is dry, use stencils, sponges, lids, stamps (whatever you like) to create patterns, swirls, dots, lines, stripes and circles. Try not to think too much about it and just go crazy!
These are so lovely! They make me happy just looking at them! 🙂
These are great Regina! I did a post on painted papers yesterday too! 🙂
Amazingly beautiful! It is so great that you can take a plain item like brown paper and make it so exquisite! Bravo.. love it!!
These papers are so wonderful and lovely! I think I could do it too.
You are such an inspiring person ~ thanks for the creativity you share!
Amazing! I need to try this.
this is a fantastic idea! I’m always looking for creative ways to gift wrap… having a blank roll ready to get crafty with for any different occasion- works for me!… It’s nice to know I’m not the only gal out there who’s dreaming up different art ideas while perusing their local hardware shop! 🙂
Oh soooo pretty! :]
Looks like you had an “artful”” time creating these as well.
Such a clever and useful idea with the painter’s masking paper, love it!!
Will have to try this one, thanks for sharing. ((hugs))
I’ve just been blog hopping and came across yours and had to comment on how nice your papers are. Such a simple idea and….. viola…..out pops some gorgeous papers!
these are so so pretty!
Oh I love these papers, thanks for the tip on the paper you used. I am going to have to check this out.